Monday, November 21, 2011


Well it is that time of year again, the time to reflect on the year that has passed.  I find this time of the year particularly emotional as it is Liam's birthday, my anniversary, Christmas and New Years all in the span of two short weeks.
I am going to start with my family.  It has been a great year all around.  The kids and myself spent 8 glorious weeks at my in-laws cottage but the difference this year is that we had our very own, brand new, beautiful two bedroom trailer on the property.  A place of our own to retreat to and spend time as a family.  The kids did amazing adjusting to the trailer.  They had a room of their own where they could sleep and play and they actually slept!!  We swam and played at the beach and spent time with both sets of grandparents and all of the cousins!!  It was an amazing summer for sure.  Rob joined us every weekend and had two weeks of vacation as well.  We had some really great times all together!
Liam started school at Our Lady of Fatima in Milton in September and that was a huge adjustment for everyone!  The school and his teacher have been absolutely amazing and I am thankful that so far we are really happy with his education.  Eva started at the Montessori School of Milton and she has been doing amazing.  The things she has learned is beyond my comprehension sometimes.  She is writing words and singing songs and adding and subtracting and learning about different things like Australia.  She also had an adjustment period as she left all of her friends at Collegeside Childcare Center.  She has made some new friends and in September she will begin JK at Our Lady of Fatima as well and she will be back with her 'buddy' Liam!
Rob continues to be my biggest supporter and best friend and someone who I turn to when I need to vent.  He has been hard at work over the past couple of months doing all kinds of handy things.  He closed up the trailer for the winter, installed our new dishwasher, we painted our laundry room and he put in cabinets and a countertop and our next project is our powder room.  It feels like after three and a half years we are starting to make our house into our home!
As for me, I decided to start making some changes in my life at the end of August, right after celebrating my 36th birthday.  I pulled out my running shoes and decided to start to run again after not running for almost 7 years.  I need to be healthy for myself, my kids and my husband because they need me around for a long time to come (trust me...they NEED me!!!).  I started running on August 25th and since then I have lost almost 20 pounds and I run between 3 and 6 km at least 5 times a week.  I also do weights and rowing and sit ups and push ups.  I am really proud of myself and this past weekend I bought a brand new pair of size 8 skinny jeans which look amazing!  I ran my first race on October 21st with my friend Barbara Graydon.  It was so much fun.  My goal for the race was to finish it and not to worry about my time.  As it was, I finished in 35:53 which was my best time of any race I had run in the past.  I am looking forward to more races in the future and my goal is to be able to run a 10K by next August!  I am also taking a Journey of Faith and I am becoming Catholic.  The RCIA program started at the end of September and goes until the end of May.  It has so far been an emotional and amazing experience and I have learned alot.  It feels nice to belong to a faith based community and I know that this is not for everyone but I have found it extremely enlightening.

I am looking forward to celebrating Liam's 6th birthday and my 7th wedding anniversary.  It is an emotional time of year for me but I know that when we put up those christmas decorations next weekend as a family I will be filled with love for them and proud to be working beside them!  I wonder what the next year has in store for the Reid family?